I became an executive while I was learning to be an executive. AU’s online format made it possible for me to complete my MBA as I pursued my passion for geology in countries as far away as West Africa. As I learned, I applied my newfound knowledge to my role as CEO and it allowed me to expand my career in ways I never thought possible.

Athabasca University - reviews
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Shastri Ramnath
10.06.2020Источник: https://www.coursecompare.ca/school/athabasca-university/
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Joe Keunen
09.06.2020Источник: https://www.coursecompare.ca/school/athabasca-university/
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I completed my MBA degree in December 2013. At no time did AU imply or state it would be an easy 3 years, but it would be worth it. As the only University, I was aware of at the time, with accreditation in both USA and Canada, there simply was no other institution of this caliber. For me, the experience was extremely valuable and has allowed me to view business in a different way. This has allowed our team to grow the business despite the many naysayers who were convinced the business model had little to no chance of success. I want to recognize the pivotal role that AU played as well as my mentor. I recommend the MBA program at AU to anyone looking for more than just a degree on the wall.