Ivey provides a singularly unique educational setting that is second to none in Canada. Utilizing the case study method, Ivey prepares its students for life outside school, allowing them to read, analyze, breakdown and solve complex real world business scenarios. There is simply no better place to learn and grow as a person, student and future professional.

Ivey Business School - reviews
I graduated from Ivey's Executive MBA program in 2013 and have held senior management roles for over a decade in Japan, Taiwan, R.O.C., Indonesia, the US and Canada. I benefitted significantly from the EMBA program and would recommend it to any senior leader looking to develop themselves further and expand their career.Two aspects of the program that are often overlooked or undervalued by prospective students are the class structure and Ivey's' international footprint:Ivey uses the case-study method which is the same technique used by Socrates in his classroom. I cannot speak for the HMBA or MBA programs, but I found the application of the case-study method in the EMBA program to take full advantage of the combined experience in the room. The discussions were rich and rewarding and although balancing family / work / study schedules was challenging it was well worth the effort in terms of take-aways. If you want to know more just Google: "Ivey Methodology".While many other business schools in Canada offer graduate business degrees few if any have the global depth and breadth of the Richard Ivey School of Business. Although I graduated from Western University in 2000 - Ivey's home base - I did not consider a post graduate degree from Ivey until much later while on a business trip to Hong Kong. Ivey has a huge presence there and has for 20+ years. The value of having bricks and mortar campuses in Toronto, London (Ontario) and Hong Kong is an uncountable until you venture into the global business world. While attending I was very proud to find our Hong Kong dean keynote speaking at the 2014 Asian Financial Forum. If you plan on working with or for a multinational firm it goes without saying that the more international exposure you get the more valuable you become.Having professors that regularly teach at campuses around the world means a truly global degree.